The ERA International School is an initiative led by the ERA Group of Schools, focusing on establishing partnerships to start schools in rural and urban Maharashtra, offering both State Boards and CBSE curricula. The purpose of ERA International School is to raise the standard of education in rural and urban areas, providing international-quality education to students and enhancing their overall development.

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At ERA School, education is provided in a pleasant and stress-free manner, ensuring students enjoy the learning process.


Through extensive research, we have developed new educational systems that make it easier for students to apply their education in daily life. We offer suburban education and experiential learning.


We focus on developing leadership qualities in students, rather than just prioritizing academic marks. In today’s educational landscape, building confidence within the school curriculum is crucial. In essence, ERA School fosters leadership through joyful and engaging learning experiences.

With our vast experience in education, our highly experienced team has created a new research-driven system. Special emphasis is placed on learning through technology, multilingual education, and developing students into versatile and aware citizens.​


Detail Syllabus

a. Identify and deal with feelings and emotions appropriate to the developmental level.
b. Develop curiosity and the need to explore and investigate anything new.
c. Execute routine tasks independently of the caregiver's direction, most of the time.
d. Sometimes act as a leader, sometimes a follower.
e. Work alone, in small groups, and in large groups as the occasion requires.
a. Gross Motor Skills
■ Perform simple motor skills (hopping, jumping, and walking).
■ Perform simple gymnastics with supervision.
■ Use equipment like swings and other resources for large muscle development.
■ Start developing eye-hand coordination.
■ Catch a large ball from a distance of 5-8 feet.
■ Throw a ball from a distance of 4-6 feet.
■ Roll a large ball to a target.
■ Practice ball skills.
■ Practice simple motor skills in games and activities.
■ Balance on one foot for 5 seconds and hop 4 times on each foot.

b. Fine Motor Skills
■ Use fine motor coordination skills (cutting, pasting, and stringing small beads).
■ Use fine motor skills that enable the child to grasp and use a crayon appropriately.
■ Copy a circle, diagonal lines, vertical lines, and horizontal lines.
■ Paint with a large paintbrush on a large piece of paper.
■ Assemble a 6-10 piece puzzle.
■ Develop hand-eye coordination.
■ Push pegs into a pegboard.
■ Lace following a sequence of holes.
■ Use a crayon or pencil with control within a defined area.
■ Connect a dotted outline to make a shape.
■ Reproduce simple shapes.
■ Follow a series of dot-to-dot numerals to form an object.
■ Use scissors with control to cut along straight and curved lines.
■ Use fine motor skills to string ten small beads.
■ Develop finger strength and dexterity.
a. Begin to understand relationships and responsibilities of others.
b. Begin to understand differences among people and families.
c. Participate in group play and learn cooperation and turn-taking.
d. Enjoy being with other children.
e. Begin to understand that self and others change.
f. Understand that parental figures care for home and family.
g. Work and play cooperatively with other children and adults.
a. Understand a few opposites (in/out, up/down, open/closed, stop/go).
b. Understand some directional words (in, out, over, under, on, off, top).
c. Recognize and name concrete objects in the environment.
d. Do basic classifying tasks (by shape, size, or color).
e. Pay attention and concentrate on a task for at least ten minutes.
f. Demonstrate basic cause-and-effect reasoning, some of the time.
g. Describe a simple object using color, size, composition, shape, and use.
h. Identify and name a circle, triangle, square, rectangle, and diamond.
i. Recognize and name primary colors (red, yellow, and blue).
a. Participate in simple discussions.
b. Initiate a conversation on a familiar topic or event.
c. Listen and follow a series of two oral directions.
d. Speak in four to six-word sentences.
e. Ask simple questions (who, what, where, and why).
f. Identify common sounds.
g. Give personal information (full name, gender, and age).
h. Participate in group discussions.
i. Describe a picture with three statements.
j. Auditory recognition of words that begin with the same letter.
k. Associate a letter with its sound in spoken words.
a. Demonstrate an accurate sense of touch, smell, and taste.
b. Point to, identify, and tell the function of the parts of the body.
c. Have a basic understanding of health and the importance of good foods.
d. Understand that each animal needs its own kind of food and shelter.
e. Learn about the animal kingdom.
f. Understand plant and animal life and their importance.
g. Understand the balance of nature.
h. Describe foods by taste.
a. Show an increasing curiosity and sense of adventure.
b. Use an art medium to communicate a story or idea.
c. Draw a human figure with major body parts.
d. Participate in socio-dramatic play, verbally or non-verbally.
e. Develop rhythm and body coordination.
f. Retell stories through art, creative drama, and music.
a. Recognize and repeat simple rhymes, songs, and fingerplays of 4 lines.
b. Describe an action being represented by a picture in a story.
c. Listen to short stories and simple poems.
d. Identify what is missing from a picture.
e. Express an interest in learning and in the printed word.
f. Assemble pictures by time sequence to tell a story.
g. Predict what will happen next in a story.
h. Compose an original story by dictation.
i. Retell a short story in their own words.
j. Identify most uppercase and lowercase letters.
a. Rote count from 1 to 20.
b. Understand ordinal positions (first through fifth).
c. Recognize most numerals from 1 to 20.
d. Begin to understand the concepts of adding and taking away.
e. Identify a set as a collection of objects that have a common property.
f. Establish one-to-one correspondence by matching members of equal sets.
g. Understand that each number is one more than the preceding number.
h. Understand some fractions.

About ERA Kids

Welcome to ERA kids, welcome to a world filled with fun & education. The years a child spends at a kindergarten school are among the most impressionable years of his/her life; young minds are like clay pots & can only be molded when at a tender age. Hence we at ERA kids have implemented a simple philosophy of Laugh, Learn & Lead. With emphasis on laughter at every step while educating for a brighter future, we have a habit of developing future leaders. We work on the overall development of a young mind in the right environment to work winders for years to come.

We at ERA school know that parents are rightfully concerned about the type and manner of education provide and are interested in the total development of their children. ERA has implemented new techniques with greater emphasis on overall development by means of introducing ERA School in Play Group, Nursery, Lower KG, Upper KG. The school syllabus is designed after adequate research of child psychology. Our Aim is to expose children to the kind of stimulating experiences which promote healthy mental growth, great freedom and overall personality development, besides providing adequate training in Reading & Writing Readiness.

Our trained teachers are here because they live teaching, they love kids and they love ERA kids resulting in dynamic, challenging and excitement filled atmosphere. All this possible because of our continuous and comprehensive in motivated school based activities. As our logo symbolizes that a child’s development is based on the combined effort of parenting & schooling, We believe in cultivating young minds to give them a strong foundation based on the principles of integrity, prosperity & Success.


Our mission is to create everlasting impressions on young mind by means of stimulating experience & specially structured courses that promote healthy mental growth, great freedom to be and overall personality development


Our vision is to educate with the broader perspective on overall personality development of the child & hence create dynamic professionals for a developing country.

Class Age Group
Play Group / Nursery 3-4 Years
Jr. K.G. 4-5 Years
Sr. K.G. 5-6 Years


The most important factor in any organization is its infrastructure or facilities as this is the ground on which overall development takes place.

 ERA kids has the distinction of implementing the latest & most innovative techniques that prevail in the educational sector today.

 Each & every need of the child & his development has been taken into consideration before providing them the much needed facilities. 

We know the need of the hour & hence have been able to procure state of the art facilities for your child.

Facilities may vary from School to School

  1. Play Ground
  2. Ball Room
  3. Doll Room
  4. Drawing Room
  5. Activity Room
  6. Cultural Hall
  7. B.S.E. Pattern Curriculum
  8. Books
  9. Large Beautiful Classrooms
  10. Specially Designed Desk / Benches
  11. Loving and caring teachers
  12. One / Two Teachers to a class
  13. Newly built Audio / Video room
  14. Computer facility for children
  15. Well Educated and trained staff

Playground Equipment


The healthiest competition occurs when average people win by putting above average efforts. Keeping the above mentioned line as the guidelines we have ensured that healthy competition prevails in the school. We have designed & structured the competition so as to bring the best out of every child & in the process prepare them for their future. The competitions also ensure that every child gets and equal opportunity regardless of the result.

Kids Sport Competitions
Kids Confidence competitions
Activities for Kids competitions
Doll Competitions
Healthy Children Competitions
Dance Competitions
Racing Competitions
Craft Competitions
Parents Competitions
Story Telling Competitions
Rhymes Competitions
Fun Competitions

A child's development depends on his adaptability of environment around him, we ERA Kids ensure an overall development of the child by ensuring that every child participates willingly in these development based activities. The Activities are so designed as to ensure entertainment for the kid but still educating them in the process. The necessity of these activities arises to let the child break his/her barriers & step into a new world full of knowledge & excitement.

Annual Function

Every year the student & teachers come together & work in tandem to come up with mind blowing routines to leave every one enthralled & excited. The overall performance of the school is reviewed & all the children get a chance to show off their enhanced & development skills in the year gone by. It comes as no surprise that the annual function is awaited all the year along & holds a special place of recognition in everyone's mind. Vibrant colors mixed with foot tapping music & a dash of dance ensure that an aura of excellence & brilliance envelopes the event.

Admission Procedure

The parent/guardian need to make a note of collecting the brochure & admission form from the school office. Before filling the form parent/guardians are advised to go through all the details at the back of the form & only then start filling the form. All the details given should be reviewed & true. The form would be invalid if the list of documents mentioned in the form is not attached. No liberty would be given in case of incomplete form or incomplete set of documents. The last date of admission & formalities can be enquired from the school office support.

Documents to be submitted along with Admission / Registration Form
● Birth Certificate
● Previous Mark Sheet
● Medical Certificate
● Student's Passport size photograph
● Student's family (4 x 6 size) Photograph
● Bus route form
● Student's Identity Card Preforms

Some Curriculum Activties